Mediation and Settlement Attorneys

 Many family law cases are resolved without contested litigation. Whenever possible, the attorneys at Holz Family Law work to resolve divorce and family law disputes through mediation, settlement and alternative dispute resolution techniques. It is our goal to find creative solutions to fit each family’s needs and to reach fair and appropriate settlements. This can save time and expense, as well as safeguard meaningful relationships.

The Connection Of Emotions And Money

Many professionals feel that there is often a different need for money that people fight over in a dissolution of marriage action. Some people use money as a means for covering their own feelings of inadequacy, vulnerability, loss or anger. The greater these feelings, the greater the “need” for money.

When you are talking about your financial needs, know whether you are talking about your feelings or your actual financial needs. It is well to remember that everybody has different feelings and standards. While you may assume your standard and feelings are right, the court may disagree.

Attorney Working To Ease The Burdens Of Divorce

You should keep in mind that a dissolution is a traumatic event, second only to the death of a close one in its psychological consequences and complexities. If you have suffered any of these traumas in the past, you can look back and use the way in which you handled those problems as a guide, as you can handle the problems you are now going through in this dissolution of your marriage.

You should also consider looking toward your friends, relatives and other people who are geographically available to you at this time of need. These people can be of great support to you in helping you cope with the dissolution of your marriage.

No matter how difficult your divorce is, our attorneys are here to support you. To schedule an initial consultation, email or call our Fort Myers office at (239) 332-3400.

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